National Leadership


Tim Born, Ph.D.

Associate Dean, Padnos College of Engineering and Computing
Grand Valley State University

Meghan Dovick, Ph.D.

Program Director, Professional Master of Science and Technology Program
University of Utah

Financial Officer
Bryant Weber, B.S.

Larry H. Miller Group

Tait Chirenje, Ph.D.

Professor of Environmental Chemistry and Environmental Sustainability in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Stockton University

Co-VP Marketing and Outreach
Starra Priestaf, Ph.D.

Assistant Director, Career Management, McCormick School of Engineering
Northwestern University

Co-VP Marketing and Outreach
Victor Ugaz, Ph.D.

Texas A&M University

VP Member Benefits
Marcel Blais, Ph.D.

Associate Teaching Professor & Associate Department Head, Department of Mathematical Sciences. Coordinator of PSM Programs in Financial Mathematics and Industrial Mathematics
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

VP Publications
Meaghan Nappo, M.A.

Graduate Program Coordinator, Plant and Microbial Biology Department
North Carolina State University

Immediate Past President
Seema Freer, Ph.D.

Managing Director, Associate Professor, Professional Science Master’s University, College of Science and Technology
Temple University


Anirudh Chowdhary, P.S.M.

Affiliate Faculty - Professional Science Master's Program Coordinator
Grand Valley State University

Gerald B. Grunwald, Ph.D.

Dean of the College of Life Sciences and Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Thomas Jefferson University

Suzanne Hicks, M.S.

Graduate Coordinator, Master of Science in Professional Science Program (MSPS)
Middle Tennessee State University

Max Houck, Ph.D.

Graduate Program Director, Assistant Research Professor
Florida International University

Beth Murphy, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Professional Practice, Professional Science Master's Program
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Jennie Willis, Ph.D.

Graduate Program Coordinator, Professional Science Master’s Degree Program in Zoo, Aquarium and Animal Shelter Management
Colorado State University

Workforce Advisory Council

The Workforce Advisory Council (WAC) serves a number of purposes in its advisory role to the NPSMA Board of Directors:

  1. To consult and advise the NPSMA on improving and expanding connections to industry and business;
  2. To provide a link to employers to facilitate internships and career paths for PSM students and graduates;
  3. To provide a link to corporations, government labs, and other science-based organizations to facilitate general support for the Association;
  4. To serve as a sounding board of economic and employment trends in industry and government affecting programs nationwide;
  5. To assist the NPSMA in the identification and solicitation of financial and other resources.

Diana Wolf

Finance Manager - Financial Planning Transformation, Starbucks

Sarah Hussain

Head of Environment
FIFA World Cup 2026

Rick Davis

Davis Development Group, formerly with Kellogg

Kevin Lothridge

Deputy Executive Director
Global Forensic and Justice Center, an FIU Preeminent Program

Jeff Conroy

CEO, Operator Relief Fund

Tom M. Lester

Ray Hoobler